Turning the page to 2019

I hope you have arrived safely and happily in 2019

I still like to have a wall calendar to keep track of where I am at, but like most years, I have not managed to get a shiny new 2019 calendar yet, so I haven't actually turned any pages to the new year. 

Nor have I found my word.
I don't do new years resolutions but for a number of years now, I have had A Word. At the start of the year I choose a single word - A word that I focus on and investigate, A word that I make part of my everyday, A word that I refer to for inspiration. And I have discovered just how important and effective just One Little Word can be. I have not found my word for 2019 yet, but it will come to me. 

The start of a new year always feels a bit odd to me. In reality, 1st of January is like any other day (well any other day, feeling a bit 'tired' after a big night) but at the same time, it feels different. I feel there is a stillness and calm, and a quiet anticipation. Like an old steam train, I pulled into the station, huffing and puffing with screaming breaks and hot steam flying everywhere to finish the year. I have had time to rest and let the engine cool off a bit - have a big sigh. Now, I need to put more coal in the furnace and get going again, but like the big, heavy, old train, it takes a little time and carefully measured energy to get enough steam build up and get going again. I will get there - but I don't feel rushed.

I should probably start by making a list. I like lists. I often loose my lists, or change them, or write new ones, but without them I am way too easily distracted and side tracked. I think, I will be busy, so the best way to start is to start a list...

... or perhaps I just pull out my needle and stitch for a bit, while I contemplate what needs to go on my list and in which order.

Best Stitches for a fabulous year ahead.
Anna X


  1. Happy new year! I love the analogy of the train, that is brilliant. I’ve been giving thought to a ‘word’ for the year too. I too am undecided but I know the right one will settle soon. I look forward to the delights you will bring us this year!

    1. Words can be so incredibly important if you allow them to.
      Happy New Year, Catherine.

  2. Happy New Year to you and yours, dear Anna, wishing you prosperity, love and good gealth in 2019!
    Hug, Ilona

    1. And to you and yours Ilona. Sending you sunshine, warmth and happy thoughts.
      Anna x

  3. Hi Anna,
    I am having problem leaving comments as Minworks. Happy New Year - on a cold, grey windy day as it is here near Vancouver BC the yellow of the flowers in your post seems like pure sunshine. I needed that!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It is so nice to hear that perhaps the house is beginning to reflect some of the Nordic charm I am seeking.
    All the best. Janine

    1. Hi Janine, I would happily send some of the current heat your way. Then again, it would instantly melt that lovely snow of yours.
      Anna x

  4. All the best in 2019 to you and your beloved!

  5. I've heard of choosing a word, Anna, but I've never tried it. My mind is so all over the place, I would need a dictionary!
    Wishing you all the best for 2019.


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