Time for a break

We have been away for a few days…

Adrian and I spent an amazing extended weekend at Nonning Station in the Gawler ranges, north-west of Adelaide. It was one of the best trips away we have had in a very, very long time. Just the two of us. Lots of beautiful scenery, lots of people to meet, lots of talking and laughing.

I realise that the Australian outback is not every ones idea of 'beautiful', especially if you don't like dust and red dirt but I just love it. There is something about the vastness of the bush that I find truly mind-blowing and magnificent - it makes you put everything into perspective somehow. And this place was big, really big. Nonning Station alone covers over 20,000 square kilometres - you can't really afford to make a wrong turn.

Why Nonning? Each year the station hosts a large Gymkhana and it seemed as good a reason as any to head that way. None of us are horse people, but it was fabulous fun all the same and we met so many lovely and amazing people. Thank you so much to everyone for making us feel so welcome

 - I am quite convinced that this will not be the last time we visit….


  1. That photo of the horse race is spectacular, Anna! I love the single-point perspective, where all the clouds seem to point to that one tree that stands above the horizon, while the horse race implies a strong horizontal line. And of course the colours are beautiful. It would make a great painting!

    Sometimes a photo like this is a happy surprise, and not carefully planned. Was that the case for you?

    1. I would love to take credit for that shot, but Adrian took it, I just cropped it. It is a good shot though and will certainly bring back some happy memories each time I look at it.

  2. Viajar é sempre bom! Conhecer novos lugares, novas pessoas, costumes, alimentos...
    A extensão plana é impressionante!
    Um abraço!


    1. So very true Egléa, we just don't seem to find the time to travel often enough.

  3. The out back or ranges are such a visual feast of surprising colours from the terracotta reds of the rocks and soil blue of the sky and smokey grey green of the salt bush

  4. oh i'm so glad you had a great trip. travel is my new medicine ~ seeing new things, meeting new people, paying attention to how diverse mother nature is really feed my soul :)


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